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Visit of the Minister of Economic Affairs Dr. Hoffmeister-Kraut

On 25.01.2024, the Managing Director and owner of Spiraltec GmbH, Mr. Holger P. Härter, welcomed the Minister of Economic Affairs of Baden-Württemberg, Dr. Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, to Spiraltec GmbH to discuss the political framework conditions and the future of technological innovations in Baden-Württemberg.

We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming international online webinar organized by SPIRALTEC GMBH, a leader in the field of industrial wastewater treatment and recycling technologies.

Webinar Title:
Sustainable Technologies For Industrial Wastewater Treatment and Recycling
This webinar aims to provide an in-depth look into cutting-edge technologies for industrial wastewater treatment and recycling, focusing on Diffusion Dialysis Technology for Acid and Base Recovery and Spiral-Electrocoagulation (S-EC). The discussions will be led by esteemed experts in the field, Dr.-Ing. Thomas Weimer and Dr.-Ing. Ehsan Jafari.

Date and Time:
24th January 2024 at 8:00 AM (UTC) (please convert to your local time)

We look forward to your participation in this illuminating event. Kindly confirm your attendance by clicking on the online registration provided below:


Your presence will greatly contribute to the success of this event. We look forward to the opportunity to connect and share valuable insights.

Best regards,
Holger P. Härter
Managing Director and Owner

We are excited to share our recently recorded international webinar, hosted by SPIRALTEC GMBH, a pioneer in industrial wastewater treatment and recycling technologies. Dive into the latest advancements and solutions we offer by accessing our webinar now.

Webinar Title:
Sustainable Technologies For Industrial Wastewater Treatment and Recycling
This webinar aims to provide an in-depth look into cutting-edge technologies for industrial wastewater treatment and recycling, focusing on Diffusion Dialysis Technology for Acid and Base Recovery and Spiral-Electrocoagulation (S-EC). The discussions will be led by esteemed experts in the field, Dr.-Ing. Thomas Weimer and Dr.-Ing. Ehsan Jafari.

Webinar held on:
24th January 2024 at 8:00 AM (UTC) 

We invite you to access our recorded webinar. Dive into the session at your convenience by following the link below to our webinar archive:

Access Webinar Recording

We look forward to the opportunity to connect and share valuable insights.

Best regards,
Holger P. Härter
Managing Director and Owner

successful doctorate

Our employee Ehsan Jafari has the TU Dresden successfully completed the doctorate on 01.09.23 at the TU Dresden on the subject "Optimization of Electrocoagulation/Flotation (ECF) for Industrial Wastewater Treatment" completed. This doctoral work was mainly carried out by Spiraltec GmbH. A new type of electrocoagulation (EC) with spiral electrodes was developed and tested, which is now being launched by Spiraltec GmbH as a new product for continuous wastewater treatment and offers significant advantages compared to conventional EC systems. Dr. Jafari will be happy to advise you comprehensively on the advantages of this new technology for your application. email: 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。 phone: +49 7147/9670231

Diffusion dialysis for recovery of bases

After a long development of membrane spiral membrane modules for the recovery of bases, the first pilot plant with 20 modules was successfully delivered to customers.

New module system (DS20-S) for up to 10 modules of size AR20 and BR20.

We can now offer a larger modular system that can accommodate up to 10 large spiral modules of the -20 series.

Finally international trade fairs again

We look forward to starting this year's trade fair season with the Korea Surtech exhibition 2022. After two years of rest, we look forward to making new contacts and expanding our market worldwide.

4th place in the innovation award "The Surface".

The Stuttgart surface technology prize "Die Oberfläche" is awarded by Fraunhofer IPA. The award honors the most innovative applications and technologies within all disciplines of surface technology. Particularly noteworthy are innovations that are referred as "enablers" - those without the introduction of certain products or technologies would not be possible. In addition to the degree of innovation, the award distinguishes the energy efficiency, sustainability, maintaining competitiveness and the industrial feasibility of the application or technology. Here, all disciplines of surface technology are taken into account. Spiraltec GmbH took 4th place in this year's competition for the development of its spiral membrane modules: An optimized technology, using wound membrane modules, for the separation of metal salts and acids.

Spiraltec GmbH applies for patent for wound redox flow battery

Spiraltec GmbH is the first company in the world to apply for a patent to develop a wound cylindrical geometry for a redox flow battery. The aim is to adapt the cost benefits that were achieved by Spiraltec GmbH in the development of spiral membrane modules for diffusion dialysis to the redox flow battery and thus develop economically attractive high-performance batteries for a wide range of applications.

Spiraltec donates disinfectants to refugee camps

In order to further reduce the spread of Covid-19, highly effective disinfectants are required. It was obvious for Spiraltec GmbH to support the appeal for funds for refugees in anchor centers. Therefore, Spiraltec GmbH donated a large amount of its highly effective and environmentally friendly disinfectant to the office of Dr. Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana, Member of the European Parliament. We are looking forward to be a competent long-term partner for Dr. Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana and her team.

Spiraltec sells environmentally friendly disinfectants

The companies FUMATECH BWT GmbH and HPH Beteiligungsgesellschaft synergized to place an environmentally friendly, highly effective water-based disinfectant on the market. For more information please write an email to 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。

New application for spiral membrane modules: Selective ion exchange

Spiraltec’s Spiral Membrane Modules have been tested for selective ion substitution. The substitution of Chloride by Sulfate Ions was demonstrated successfully in lab and industrial field test since the beginning of 2019. This means that from now on Diffusion Dialysis with Spiral Membrane Modules can simplify the recovery of metals by electrolysis as a upstream process.

Full automatic small system for 15 l / h bathcare - Galvanotechnik 12/19

The smallest System DDP1 offers smaller surface finishers finally the possibility of an environmentally friendly and operating cost-saving system for bathcare.

New spiral membrane modules expand field of applications

In addition to the standard WD-AR10-1001 module, Spiraltec also offers two more spiral modules with increased chemical resistance. Spiraltec expand their field of applications for its environmentally friendly diffusion dialysis. The recovery of higher sulfuric acid concentration and higher hydrochloric acid concentration up to a maximum of 10% is possible now.

Exhibitor at the Aquatech in Amsterdam

04.11.2019 to 08.11.2019 the Aquatech Fair takes place in Amsterdam. Spiraltec is pleased to be a guest at the booth of our distribution partner Mega. At the leading trade fair for process-, drinking- and wastewater you find us in hall 1 booth 103.

MEGA takes over distribution for Spiraltec in Eastern Europe, the Baltic States and the CIS

The company MEGA and its subsidiary MemBrain take over the exclusive distribution rights for Eastern Europe, the Baltic States and the CIS countries. Holger P. Härter, owner and managing director of Spiraltec: "Our modules are economically highly attractive for industrial users in surface technology and at the same time protect the environment sustainably. With the MEGA Group, we now have the right partner to be able to offer our innovative product to even more customers".

FUMATECH BWT and Spiraltec expand strategic partnership.

Innovative spiral membrane modules are jointly distributed throughout Europe

FUMATECH BWT GmbH, Bietigheim-Bissingen, and Spiraltec GmbH, Sachsenheim, are expanding their successful development cooperation in industrial applications for flat membrane films to include a comprehensive sales cooperation in the Western European market in order to establish close coordination in the project planning of major projects in plant construction.

Compact module expands product range.

The DS10 absorbs up to 10 membrane spiral modules.

The optimal design allows the user to individually, application-oriented and cost-optimized assembly of the PP10 of one up to ten spiral modules.

Simple parallel connections of multiple modules, easy handling of the individual spirales, and a compact, stackable design make the module the ideal solution for larger applications.

certified quality management

Spiraltec GmbH has been awarded certification under the current standard ISO 9001: 2015 in 2019. Spiraltec guarantees its customers and suppliers an efficient and reliable cooperation thanks to the implementation of ISO 9001: 2015 quality management.

New member of ZVO

Spiraltec GmbH is a member of the Zentralverband für Oberflächentechnik e.V. since January 01, 2019.
Zentralverband Oberflächentechnik eV (ZVO) represents the interests of contract manufacturers from industry and trade, in-house coaters, raw and process suppliers, equipment manufacturers, component manufacturers and service providers of German electroplating and surface technology.